Version 2023 - Release 1
February 07, 2023
SelectSurvey.NET v5: Recently Added Features (Version v5.037.004)
- Added 15 new responsive theme templates
- New email triggers in take survey workflow and ActiveLogic.
- New completion date range report filters for data exports
- New user role that can only edit surveys.
- New bulk email de-activation page.
- Added 25 new custom report filters.
- Added minimum character length to open ended one line question type options on edit page.
- Added filename format to custom report review list.
- Added CC option to ActiveLogic email list single email with everyone in to field.
- Added page break option on individual response print all page
- Added tracking of modify survey history
- Added visio vsd,vsdx,pptx files to accepted file types to magic number check.
- Added logging to track who clears responses to error log in admin tools.
- Added additional custom text for "survey not live" to the survey options
- Added ability to choose pixels or percent on comments box width on edit item page
- Added new methods to API for salesforce lightening component
- Added fonts to font picker
- Added minutes and seconds to timer feature
- Added search box for admin search of files uploaded to file system.
- Added survey timer timed out message text to survey options custom text page
- Allow token rendering in email trigger conditions
- Added opt out export and manual add buttons
- Added opt out delete of test opt outs
- Added search feature to edit folder page
- Added ability to change decline text from survey options on all pages, buttons, validation.
- Added Order Answers Alphabetically button to edit item page.
- Added validation option to AD login to prevent email address
- Added option to export empty responses
- Automatically clear other textbox when radio button or checkbox deselected
- Added force password reset days
- New Choice One answer smiley question type.
- Added search to email list
- Feature to put new copied survey into the users default folder if they have one
- Feature to automatically set user to not active if active until date feature is on and date has passed
- Added template selection option on create survey page.
- Update new templates to set size of text in input boxes and dropdowns
- New feature for moving item answers up and down
- New bulk zip download feature
- Added file system file management button
- Added automatic saving of last data export settings on each export.
- Fix for rich text box validation mode of open ended comments box
- Update for Active Directory group owners restriction configuration
- Update for Active Directory group owners
- update for matrix single choice options skip conditions for equals operator with multiple conditions in single group
- Added right to left text template
- Fix for international dates converting to user time preferences in export
- Added help text for right and left text for matrix rating scale slider
- Update Workfront API from v6 to v9 per Workfront API release
- Updated peUpdated performance for hide conditions, page conditions, and pipe token rendering
- Personal time zone preference to export
- Added more translation of custom dashboard text
- Added ability to customize service ticket text in custom dashboard
- Added iphone, ipad, current browser previews to preview dropdown on modify survey page
- Added more GDPR help text to application wide settings
- Added custom dashboard settings to user preferences page
- Added page conditions for new touch buttons question type.
- Added multiple response resumable option
- Added page condition inequality operators for number slider, touch slider, matrix rating scale and matrix rating scale slider
- Added GDPR guidelines to create survey and deploy survey page
- Added guided tour help
2020 - Release 1
- General survey software information
- Basic survey administration
- Advanced survey administration