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Showing 141 updates


In progress

Updates that are currently in development and testing


Rolling out

Updates that are beginning to roll out and are not yet available to all applicable customers



Fully released updates that are now generally available for applicable customers

UIBSseo. search engine optimization v.2024 - R1.0

GA: July 2024

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2024 - R2.0

GA: June 2024

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2024 - R1.0

GA: April 2024

UIBSbe. booking engine v.2024 - R2.0

GA: April 2024

UIBSrepute. survey system v.2023 - R2.0

GA: March 2024

UIBSclearing. PCI-DSS direct credit card payment system v.2023 - R1.0

GA: February 2024

UIBSbe. booking engine v.2024 - R1.0

GA: January 2024

UIBSconnect. platform integration v.2024 - R1.0

GA: February 2024

UIBScrm. customer relationship management v.2024 - R1.0

GA: January 2024

UIBSweb. website design & development v.2023 - R2.0

GA: December 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R3.0

GA: November 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.6

GA: November 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.5

GA: October 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.4

GA: October 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.3

GA: October 2023

UIBScm. channel management system v.2023 - R2.0

GA: October 2023

UIBScommerce. v2023 - R1.0

GA: October 2023

UIBScm. channel management system v.2023 - R3.0

GA: September 2023

UIBSbe. booking engine v.2023 - R2.0

GA: September 2023

UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.2

GA: August 2023