UIBScrs. central reservations system v.2023 - R2.4

News & Case Studies

Version 2023 - Release 2.4


A major enhancement to our UIBScrs. Central reservation system - the much-anticipated feature that allows you to add deposit payments on promotions. This new capability gives you greater control over reservations and empowers your hotel to offer secure and flexible payment options to your valued guests.

What's New: Deposit Payments on Promotions

With this latest update, you can now require guests to make a deposit when booking promotional offers. By implementing deposit payments, you can safeguard your hotel against potential no-shows and cancellations while providing guests with a hassle-free reservation process.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Customizable Deposit Amounts: Set up different deposit percentages based on the type of promotion. Tailor deposit requirements to align with your hotel's pricing strategy, ensuring that your revenue is protected while maximizing guest satisfaction.
  • Secure Online Transactions: Our platform employs industry-leading security measures, enabling guests to make deposits confidently and securely through trusted payment gateways.
  • Improved Reservation Management: Deposits provide an added layer of commitment from guests, allowing your hotel to better manage inventory and optimize occupancy levels.
  • Flexibility for Guests: Depending on your preference, you can choose to make deposits refundable or non-refundable, offering guests the flexibility they desire while meeting your hotel's needs.
  • Seamless Integration: Deposit payments integrate seamlessly with your existing booking engine and payment gateway, streamlining the booking process for both guests and hotel staff.