UIBScommerce. v2023 - R1.0

News & Case Studies

Version 2023 - Release 1.0


A new feature that enables seamless linking of commerce packages to specific rooms or rates within the hotel business. This enhancement provides hotel owners and managers with greater flexibility and control over their commerce offerings, resulting in improved customer experiences and increased revenue opportunities.

Key Features:

  • Package-Room/Rate Association: With this new feature, hotel administrators can now associate commerce packages with specific rooms or rates. This association allows guests to book packages directly with their preferred accommodation choice, streamlining the booking process and providing clarity on package inclusions.
  • Enhanced Package Display: The feature includes an intuitive interface that displays linked packages alongside the respective rooms or rates in the hotel's booking system. This visual representation simplifies package selection for guests, ensuring they can easily identify the available options during the booking process.
  • Package Customization: Hotel administrators have the ability to customize the offerings within each package. This includes specifying room preferences, rate variations, package add-ons, and other relevant parameters. The feature supports dynamic package configurations tailored to meet the unique requirements and pricing strategies of the hotel.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: The feature seamlessly integrates with the hotel's existing UIBScrs. system and online booking platforms. This integration ensures that package information is accurately reflected across all distribution channels, including the hotel's website, online travel agencies (OTAs), and other booking partners.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The feature incorporates comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. Hotel administrators can access detailed insights on package performance, including booking trends, revenue generated, and guest feedback. This data empowers hotels to make data-driven decisions, optimize package offerings, and drive revenue growth.

How to Enable the Feature:

To enable the package-room/rate linking feature, hotel administrators need to perform the following steps:

  • Ensure that your UIBScommrece. and UIBScrs. systems are up to date and compatible with the latest release.
  • Access the administration panel of your UIBScloud. platform and navigate to the UISBcommerce. section.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to associate specific rooms or rates with the desired commerce packages.
  • Customize the package settings, including inclusions, pricing, and additional options, as per your hotel's requirements.
  • Verify the integration of the package information across all distribution channels, such as your website, OTAs, and other booking platforms.
  • Train your staff on the new feature and its functionality, emphasizing the benefits and best practices for utilizing the package-room/rate linking capability.